
Best Urologist & Andrologist in Somajiguda

Avail Personalized Care for Men's Health & Urological Concerns


Over 15+

years of experience

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Successful Procedures

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Happy patients

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happy patients

Looking for best Urologist & Andrologist ?

Expert Urologist & Andrologist in Somajiguda

Dedicated to providing compassionate, expert care in the fields of Urology and Andrology. With a focus on personalized treatments, he strives to deliver the highest level of care to address each patient’s unique needs.

  • Robotic & Laparoscopic Surgeon
  • Andrology & Infertility Expert
  • 100% Patient Satisfaction Rate
dr aman


years of experience

Our Services

Why Choose Dr Aman Chandra?

Excellence You Can Trust

With accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plans, we ensure the best outcomes for your urological and andrological health, helping to prevent further complications.


Emergency Services

We provide prompt, reliable care for urgent urological and andrological issues, ensuring immediate attention when you need it most.


Positive Patient Reviews

Our patients trust us for our compassionate care and personalized approach, resulting in high satisfaction and positive outcomes.


HIghly Experienced

Dr. Aman Chandra Deshpande and his team bring years of specialized experience in urology and andrology, offering expert care you can rely on.


Everything You Need to Know About Urological and Andrological Care

Find quick answers to common questions about Dr. Aman’s services, procedures, and patient care

Dr. Aman specializes in urology and andrology, treating a wide range of conditions related to the urinary tract, male reproductive health, and sexual function.

You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Aman by contacting our office via phone, email, or by filling out the contact form on our website.

Yes, Dr. Aman offers emergency services for urgent urological and andrological issues, ensuring prompt care when needed most.

During your first consultation, Dr. Aman will perform a thorough evaluation, review your medical history, and develop a personalized treatment plan for your condition.

Dr. Aman follows strict confidentiality protocols and complies with all privacy regulations to protect your personal and medical information.

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